Day of Sports and Games
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After breakfast we walked to the football playground where we could see a show of a defender club. It was very interesting to see how to protect ourselves from an enemy, and also how the members of the club work with dogs.
The next part Ramona Pazúr and Linda Kovács organized football matches of mixed groups. All teams won a diploma at the end. After football matches French boys and girls tought us to play rugby. One of the French boys, Mathieu Laroussinie is an expert at this game. Everybody agreed: playing rugby was very funny and exrtemly difficult to understand and use rules of it.
At the final part we played with irony balls, and enjoyed the morning programme.
In the afternoon we had relax. We could choose to stay in the rooms, to relax in the park round the dorm, to do souvenir shopping in the town or to go to the swimming pool.
In the early evening we met again in front of the cultural hall. We prepared a programme together for the Festival Day. We did a choir and sang together some songs.
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