All days of the Youth meeting had own special neme. So, the second day was
the Fort Komárno day. We are sure everybody knows Fort Boyard game,
which gave us the idea to organize something similar for, GADOC 2002
Round the old town there is a very unique fortress wall with 7 bastions. The
previous day we looked at some parts of it, the Pressburg gate, the old castle
bastion, the fortress walls. Today we went to the 6th bastion by buses.
Today programme was prepared by Tomas Gálfi. At first we looked at the
exhibition Lapidárium in the 6th bastion. Then Tomas talked about the
games we are going to play. We formed groups, in each group were French,
Romanian and Slovak members. We had to collect keys, on different stages.
First we rolled a big tractor tire up the hill. Then we had to find a key in
pails which were filled with coffee, muddy water, sand. On the third stage
there was fighting with rods, on the next stage we could show how can we use
the baseball bat to hit balls. The last stage was very funny, we had to fill
plastic bottles with water, but we could use only own hands. There competed
also a special group: the group of French, Slovakian adults.
Finally we ate the prices: 10 pieces of fancy cakes.
This evening there was the presentation of the French group.