Welcome Day
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Sometimes the first meeting can be very difficult, making new friendships are not always easy. All participants of, GADOC 2002, were very kind and open to find new friends and spend some fantastic days together. The hosting group was the Slovakian group. The big part of the pogrammes took place in the area of Agricultural Secondary School in Komárno. All of Slovakian girls and boys are students of this school, they spend a lot of their time here.
In the morning we had welcome programme, games which helped us to make the first contacts, then we walked in groups to show the near area for our guests. All of us put on a T-shirt ,GADOC 2002" and a leather label for names. This labels were made by the girls of Slovak group in the preparatory time.
This part of Kom rno where the Agricultiral secondary school can be find is called ,Gadoc" by the local people and also by the students of the school. Because of most of the programmes take place here we decided to name the project after it.
In the afternoon we had sightseeing of Komárno. Peter Beke showed important places and talked about them. Ms Be ta Sebok welcomed us at the Townhall on a nice ceremony. We also visited the museum of Kom rno, the historical exhibition and the special exhibitions of famous people born here, Franz Leh r and Mór Jóai. Mr. Miháy M&accute;cza, the deputy mayor was our guide.
We walked on the streets of the old town and also visited the famous Europe place, Officiers Pavillion, St. Andew's church and Klapka square.
In the evening there was the presentation of Slovakian group. We watched a short film about Kom rno, listened to music we like and talked about interests, life of young people in Slovakia, Kom rno area. We offered home made cakes and bisquits which are famous in Komárno area. Every evening we had different kind of cream and bread, today it was smoked-fish-cream. After discussing we gave leaflets, postcards and videofilms about Kom rno for our guests and we finished the day with dancing.
Finally, as we did every evening the following days, we wrote our opinion of the day-programme.

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