Near to Komárno in a small village, Nová Osada is a club of
archer arowers. Three members of the Slovakian group are also members of this
club. They prepared us helping the leader of the club Mr Sándor Varga
and some other members an interesting whole - day programme.
At the beginning we received some information of the club, about clothes,
habits, meal and life of ancient Hungarian tribes. Then there was a show, we
could see the usage of kelevéz, arows and bows, and other ancient arms.
After the show we also coud try this arms and riding horses, too.
But not everybody fought in this old times. When Hungarian tribes settled
down, people did a lot more peaceful works. We also could try our handiness.
It was possible make shealts, bracelets and other jewellery of leather,
jewellery of the hair of horses, wooden carvings. If somebody had interest,
could fish in the brook. We tasted ancient meal, aldosh" which was cooked of
young goat meat and a lot of different vegetables, a delicious sweet,
gömböc", made of semolina, honey and dried fruit. We sang and
learnt to all participants an ancient shaman song.
This day we walked to the village and in the afternoon back to the dormitory
on paths through the fields.
In the evening there was the presentation of Romanian group. They were
talking about Transylvania, Odorheiu Seciuesc - Székelyudvarhely. We
could see a film about some interesting programmes, activities, celebrations,
fashion shows. We were talking a lot, listening to music and dancing.