Montpellier is the centre of Laguedoc region. It is the city of intellectual prowes, its name comes from "Monspistillarius", meaning Grocers'Mount.In the 10 century the town was a meeting place popular with spicemerchants. Later came the bankers, the pilgrims on their way to Compostella, and the doctors who wanted to learn more about the curative powers of spices.The Faculty of Medicine was founded in the 12th - 13th centuries. Since then, its renown has never waned. Rabelais studied there in the 1530's.
The participants of the project were on a reception in the Hotel of Region. It was very interesting to listen to about the nowadays life of the region. We received a lot of information of culture, economy of Montpellier region. It was also very good to know more about the agriculture, viticulture of this region.
We admired beautiful places of the city, St. Clement aqueduct, the triumphal arch in honour of Louis XIV.,St. Peter's Cathedral, Place de la Comedie, etc. In the evening we spent fine time in an "Ice Disco" a phantastic place of entertainment.